Why Is Mot Essential for Car Drivers?

Fenham Garage Services
4 min readApr 17, 2021


According to different studies, thousands of people are killed or injured due to road accidents. The percentage of these road accidents is going higher day by day. Therefore, the government is trying to reduce the number of road crashes by applying strict rules and regulations.

A road accident may happen because of several reasons but according to experts, improper maintenance of the vehicle is one of the most common reasons for these unfortunate incidents. The message of the results of studies is clear that car drivers have to improve the quality of car maintenance to reduce the number of car accidents.

According to the experts, it is really essential for car owners to inspect their vehicles regularly for minor faults. Sometimes minor faults are ignored and in the future, they become serious mechanical issues for the car driver. The most common example of a poorly handled vehicle is improper tread depth.

It is a well-known fact that reduced tread depth leads to uncomfortable driving experiences. But, drivers ignore this fact and drive their car on even snowy or slippery surfaces with bald tyres.

MOT Test Newcastle Upon Tyne

Some other examples of improper maintenance are improper tyre pressure, misaligned wheels, faulty exhaust system, worn brake pads, engine failure, faulty components of the vehicle, fuse bulbs of headlights or taillights, rust and corrosion etc.

If a driver wishes to keep his car in good condition, he may remove these issues easily. Actually, this is the prime duty of every driver to keep their car fit and fine for optimum road safety. As we have mentioned above, the government have made strict rules for the drivers to reduce the percentage of road accidents due to improper maintenance.

Therefore, if you own a car or any other vehicle, you have to submit your car for the MOT test every year. This rule is applied to every three-year-old car.

This test is performed to make sure you are willing to keep your car in good condition or not. After the MOT test, you will get a certificate that shows that your car is roadworthy to run on the roads. If you drive your car and do not get a proper certificate, you have to be prepared for legal punishment by the police department.

The MOT test was introduced in 1960. Initially, they did not include many car items to test but later this list was extended gradually. Nowadays, various car parts are included in the test like horn, headlights, seat and seatbelts, driver’s view, exhaust, tyres, bodywork etc.

How are the results of MOT decided?

According to the MOT rules, faults are categorized into three main categories called minor, major and dangerous. In the case of minor faults, you may get an advisory to resolve the issues as soon as possible and they will allow you to drive your car on roads.

If your car has major faults, naturally your car will not be able to get the certificate.

In this case, they will allow you to repair your car in another garage if you like.

If your car is found to have dangerous faults, your vehicle will fail its test and they will not let you drive your car to another garage. However, you can get your car to the garage with the help of a towing vehicle.

What should you do after your car fails its test?

You have mainly two options after your car is unable to clear the test.

As the first option, you may go for a retest. If you repair your car at the same service centre before the end of the next day, it is possible you have a free retest. If you repair your car in a different service station and return to the original centre within 10 working days, you can get the retest with a partial fee. If you are unable to return the original garage within 10 working days, you will not get the change of a partially free retest.

If you are confident that your vehicle is roadworthy, you may go for the second option by appealing the test. If you choose this option, the MOT department will arrange a test for you again to check the roadworthiness of your car. But, in this case, you have to keep your car in its original condition. You have to pay a full fee for the test and this fee is refundable if your claim is proved to be true at the end of the test.

As you see, MOT Test Newcastle Upon Tyne is extremely important for road safety. Most drivers follow all the legal rules due to the fear of punishment. Therefore, this test is being successful in bringing the graph of road accidents to the lower points.

